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Protecting your work rights 

Most employers genuinely support and look after their staff. Toxic workplaces on the other hand tend to break workplace laws. If you don't act, toxic employers are capable of setting up the narrative to remove you from employment. Examples include a change management process or performance issues even though you may have previously had a good work history. You become dispensable.


When you report bullying and harassment there are some processes that your employer should have taken to ensure your health and safety.  Read the information here so you understand the steps you need to take to report workplace bullying.  If an employer is not forthcoming with support despite you requesting support you will need to take the necessary steps to escalate your request to stop the bullying and document the evolution of your employment matter because this is what you will require to protect your work rights. While you may not want to escalate matters as you fear the risk to your job, not taking action and assuming it will all go away or that someone will finally come in and rescue you will likely mean that the bullying will continue to escalate and eventually lead to constructive and an unfair dismissalYou may wish to read the information about HR Departments and how they contribute to the toxicity in organizations.


Bullies seldom back off.  Also bullies holding leadership positions and are supported within the organization (yes, even in defiance of workplace laws), are well aware of their status within the organization so they are not likely to back off any time soon.  If you don't take action to escalate your matter in the absence of your employer (or union) supporting you, you are likely to look back and realize that you were naive to trust your toxic employer when the writing was on the wall that your employer had no intention of assisting you.


Ultimately you may still lose your job (through unfair work practices and an unfair dismissal) but at the very least you will have the opportunity to provide your evidence of the lack of `duty of care' and the communications you sent in relation to your employment matter.  If your employer is publicly funded and has created a taxpayer liability in dealing with your employment matter, you will be able to report the wastage of public funds to relevant authorities. 


Most workers can read their work place policies and understand government legislation but when bullied or unfairly dismissed workers feel battered  and/or their job security is put at risk in what is a difficult job market, it becomes difficult to be objective when focusing on how you protect your work rights given the circumstances you face at work.  Some workers feel powerless against an employer who insists that there is a genuine reason for the redundancy and the employment ending.  Work Rights Matter will support you if and when you need help.  Click here for information on Services.


Your decision to act before your toxic workplace is able to fabricate a poor performance report,  a change process or an unfair redundancy is important.


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